Blog, Body Contouring, Emerald Laser, Laser Therapy
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Learn More About the Emerald Laser Erchonia's Emerald Laser is a non-invasive fat removal procedure that is non-invasive and has no side-effects. While diet and exercise are logical solutions to several health and beauty concerns, they aren't always the perfect fix. Emerald Laser is an option that can produce long lasting results. What Kind Of Results Can You Expect? Results are noticeable after a few treatments. You will see it your results from your Emerald...
Blog, Body Contouring, Emerald Laser, Laser Therapy
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Safe Weight Loss with the Emerald Laser With low level laser therapy for weight loss, you never have to worry about paradoxical adipose hyperplasia, which is when fat in the treated area expands and then hardens into unnatural shaped lumps because of the extreme cold. Instead of shrinking, it actually can get bigger. With lasers such as Erchonia's Emerald Laser, the laser targets the body fat, breaking the fat cells away from their centers. By...
Blog, Body Contouring, Emerald Laser, Verju, Zerona Z6
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Grow Your Business With Fat Reduction Lasers Are you a doctor or clinic owner that might already be doing weight loss, body contouring, other non-invasive procedures? Or have you considered it and are committed to investing in a program that has been proven through extensive research? Adding fat reduction lasers to your business can generate income and be incorporated into your practice without affecting your schedule. Erchonia’s non-thermal lasers are the only Low-Level Laser Therapy...
Blog, Body Contouring, Emerald Laser, Verju, Zerona Z6
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The Advantages Of Offering Swiss DolorClast To Your Patients There are several reasons to off Swiss DolorClast treatments to your patients. As a provider: - Very financially rewarding for the clinic - Saves YOU time to see more patients - You are offering evidence based medicine - 75% of clinical evidence that shockwave works is based on the Swiss DolorClast For your patients: - Swiss DolorClast treatments are covered by most 3rd party payers (insurance)...
State of the Art Body Contouring With Verju Laser Verju is one of the world’s premier body contouring lasers providing tangible circumference losses of up to 4.5 inches in as little as two weeks of treatment. Verju targets those stubborn areas of fat that are typically the last to respond to diet and exercise and does so in a way that is both pain free and requires zero downtime. If you thought lipo was the...
Verjú Cellulite Reduction Laser: The Dawn of Smooth Skin For years health professionals, spa owners and individuals have been searching for a non-invasive, low impact, affordable and reliable ways to eliminate cellulite. Along the way they’ve embraced a lot of close calls, near misses and shots in the dark including different Type of fat reduction therapies Brushing: While cellulite does appear to be at least in part circulation-related brush therapies only improve circulation at the...